Chinese languages newspapers

From the mid-1890s and throughout the first half of the 20th century a series of Chinese language newspapers were published in Sydney and Melbourne. Distributed through Australia and beyond, advertised in by European as well as Chinese Australian business, these newspapers published a wide range of news both local and international. This rich historical resource has only recently begun to be utilised as researchers with the necessary language skills (not merely Mandarin speakers) have begun to take up the challenge.

Some examples (in no particular order):

For more information see:

Mei-Fen Kuo, Making Chinese Australia: urban elites, newspapers and the formation of Chinese Australian identity, 1892–1912, Monash University Publishing. 2013,

Huang Zhong & Wenche Ommundsen, Towards a Multilingual National Literature: The Tung Wah Times and the origins of Chinese Australian Writing, Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 15 .3 (2015): 1-11